School Facilities

Computer Lab and DRaWAING

The school has full fledged Computer Section with latest type of Computers and Printers for educational purposes. The school also strives for a high standard in drawing and Painting. Student may learn these as extra subject.


The school provides transport facility which is available on all routes and charges are as per distance.

Library Facilty

The school has well stocked library staffed adequately to keep the library in order and to guide students during their library periods to make use of library and also to advice and instruct regarding research and reference. To meet the academic needs of the students, library has large collection of books on a variety of academic and general subjects. The school also subscribes to server newspapers, periodicals and magazines to encourage student to keep abreast of current affairs. A library period for each class is incorporated in to the weekly time table to promote the habit to self study.

co-curricular Activities

Physical Education promotes health and personality, physical education includes team Games, Gymnastics, Athletic, Yoga, and indoor Games etc. By participating in physical education activities, a child satisfies not only his inner urge to expand his energies but develops his personality also. A further growth implies physical skill, grace team work, emotional compassion, intellectual ability, gift and determination. Participation in Physical Education programmes is compulsory. 40 minutes calisthenics in the morning and one hour games at least once in a week, Unless one is run by professionally trained personal and supervised by our regular Staff. Our teachers prefer to play with the students in routine. Matches are normally organized, teachers Vs student at least once in a week. This helps to control untoward happenings during play or the physical education period.

General rules and regulation

  • It will be obligatory for the pupils and parents to abide by the school rules in all respects, and any new ones that come into force from time to time.
  • The school shall remain indemnified against all claims arising due to illness or any other accident.
  • In the event the child is being withdrawn from the school, the fees paid to the school shall not be refunded in any case.
  • School fee will be deposited by parent latest by 10th of every month. After that an amount of Rs.5/- for each day will be taken as fine.
  • No deduction is made in school fee due to absence of student. No transfer/school leaving certificate will be issued until the school dues are paid in full.
  • The school reserves the right to enhance the fee at any time, if it is necessary for meeting rising costs/ or payment of higher salaries.
  • Annual charges and library fees are to be charged annually.

School Offers

  • Well experienced, highly qualified and dedicated group of teachers to take care of children.
  • The Well-equipped laboratories and rich library
  • Guidance and counseling for career development.
  • Well maintained games field.
  • School and Playground within compact Well fenced area.